BRH is proud partner in the recruitment of talents for Quebec iron ore.
MFQ, a subsidiary of Iron champion, has the mandate to develop and exploit the ore of Lake Bloom in Fermont from a quality perspective , efficiency, sustainability and environmental concern. MFQ wants to be a millennium mining which knows how to invest in the dynamism of its human capital in order to promote excellence, respect and prosperity both in processes, product quality, environment and its business relations while Care about a positive impact sustainability on future generations.
In terms of corporate values, the MFQ team invites you to share its passion for the mining industry, a passion that is combined in four stages:
We are currently in a bank of applications for future needs at MFQ.
This position is fly-in, fly-out 14 -14 . ( voluntary to reside in Fermont (without Fly in/Fly Out) is a major asset)
under the responsibility of the supervisor of the supervisor of the supervisor of the supervisor of the supervisor of the supervisor of Operations, the post holder works in different sectors of the concentrator. In addition, he acts as an agent of change with regard to the following objectives:
Qualifications required
Knowledge and skills
If you are interested in this position, send your application by filling the boxes below and joining your curriculum vitae. All applications received will be processed confidentially. Only the applications selected will be contacted.
We subscribe to the principle of equality in employment. To facilitate reading, the male genre is used without discrimination in this text.